Can I be Happy from a Lust?

Happiness is an abstract word that simply explained in one example: it is a sunny day, and you are craving for something cold and sweet that can satisfy your tongue. You are ended with an ice cream, which finally give something tasty to your tongue. It is something simple, but come at the perfect moment. This is one of the formula of happiness: something that badly needed and it is come when we want. In this case, an ice cream during sunny day.

The concept of happiness vary from one to another, which it gives multiple interpretation of what does it really mean. There are three concepts of happiness in this writing for example. Some say that happiness is when you are able to help other. Helping other people stimulates the feeling of relief, as the person we helped got what he need. It is a part of human nature to live socially, and helping is one of the way we cope with the social live. Secondly, how about getting rich? Everyone seems happy from having large sum of cash. Money is not everything, but nowadays almost nothing is free. Consequently, money is needed everywhere and at some moments we might plan of getting richer than who we are now.  This leads to a thought why rich people are happy. This is not entirely wrong because they are able to buy what they want, but on the other hand, they probably lack of time to enjoy the luxurious stuff they buy. For instance, being rich also means willing to exchange the time we have with the money, thus lessen the time to enjoy what we have bought. The third concept says that happiness means free from all trouble. All of us has a problem, either daily, monthly, or ocassionally it comes during some times. There are people who got stressed by the problem, and it leads them to suicide. Those who do not experience this feeling will think they are too much thinking; they are overloaded with such thoughts and they think by letting out their soul out of this world will make the problem finished. Therefore, there are some people who adopt this concept to be their goal of happiness.

How can we achieve happiness? Is it only from one of the three goals mentioned above (helping, rich, trouble-free)? Or is there other factor of happiness? People might think the factor of happiness also come within their lust to do something. Lust and passion is a different thing. Passion comes from the free mind with sane thought, while lust come beneath the conscious mind. People have passion in art and music, but none of them said they have lust in art and music. Based on this, lust does not come from pure mind; it is a thought constructed by the wild side of ourselves. The japanese sayings tell us that there are three faces of us: when we meet someone we respect, when we meet our close friend whom we can express who we are; and the last when we are alone. Our true and genuine soul is shown when we are alone. This is the moment of our self-realisation which finally becomes the base of our personality. To imagine with, the soul is like a seed that embedded within ourselve. Sun, water, and food are the living environment who shapes our personality. This is why an orange tree produces different result but it remains as an orange. The terrain and condition shapes it. 

Of course, the wild side of us will not be shown publicly, but it remains there, waiting the right moment to go up. There are groups of people who cannot control these sides (wild and normal), and they exist among us, either as a psycho, people in mental hospital, or already insane. Their world of lust and passion has been mixed, and none can separate it. 

Back to concept of happiness. Can we get happy from a lust? It is difficult to imagine of how people use lust as their base to pursue their happiness. The formula of their happiness is defined as something they want which should come at moment they want. Apart from ice cream story, people with this kind of lust will not even be craving for ice cream, but also for the ice cream shop be presented in front of them. People who also want to be happy from their lust often end with being too much sad when they miss what they want or when they could not make it come true. To conclude, having lust to make your happiness often result in great loss when you cannot make it at all. People who get what they want based on lust are only happy temporarily, but later there is no happiness left after what he get disappear. 

We should not want to be happy, but we should be happy all of the time. But do not smile when disaster happen, it is not the realisation of happiness that we want to be. Learning to be grateful is a wonderful way to keep the happiness in mind. It is a way worthy to learn, not by books, but by training our feeling not to be overproud nor feeling sad too much. There are many ways in life that our grateful feeling is trained, we just need to realise when it is. Grateful goes in same line with being positive, and the negative feeling should be avoided.  Having failure in exam, love, or getting low grades will surely makes our heart feel bad, and some feel very difficult to escape from the dark, toxic, and sometimes addicting sadness. But keep remind in ourselves that this too shall pass, no matter what. Those who put themselves always in stresful feeling will never achieve the happiness; it even make their steps to happiness farther. 

To conclude, can I be happy from a lust? You can, but there is no feeling left after you achieve it, which makes as you never be happy from lust. Those who learn to be thankful from what happened to him will understand that happiness comes within his pure and conscious mind, not by lust. 
