Indonesia : A Middle Age State?


There are about 6 billion human living on earth this time. Around 1.2 Billion live in Asian region. Around them, there are about 300 million human which make Indonesia as their home. Most of them are Muslim. So far, the country had been set on media as the biggest Muslim country in the world, in spite  making Saudi Arabia or other middle east states as the biggest one.

Since Muslim are the majority of the Indonesian, many commercials are published under Islamic rule, which I can say not all the commercials. Some commercials still show the prohibited part of women or action which is led to intimate object . Some others show product which led to sexual activities such as condom. But then these commercials were still considered as the normal one until Indonesia Broadcasting Committee told the companies who broadcast such commercial to be removed from media.

Commercials are taking part of Business, even if the big company does. Commercials are intended to persuade modern costumer to buy their product. Company who make commercial have to have much budget to keep it stay on mass media or at least to hold it on newspaper level. In business, it is normal to do this, but with some proper regulations. There are some regulations that often not obeyed by the company is about cigarette or forbidden things to be sold to underage person, and the part of commercial sometimes show the part that I have talked on second paragraph.

In Indonesia, it is normal not to show pork commercial because Muslim can not eat pork. But then they change it into something new. It is about the cigarette product. Well, there is no pork in one cigarette, literally. But the media and law nowadays are debating whether smoking is haram (illegal in Islamic terms) or not. But now the media had great intention on its filter. They say the filter has a pig blood which can make it haram literally.

 There are so many cases about cigarette commercial that make underage kid smoke. The authority says it is a normal to have cigarette commercial, but I say that is not normal, even it can be said as insane. The smoking baby in Jambi Province, Indonesia, is a wrong aim of those commercial. This baby was filmed into documentary film calle the vanguard, you can see on youtube. The company deny to remove the commercial since Indonesia is a big market for them.

So commercial in Indonesia have some major problem despite of the religion majority. But now the commercial case begin to fade, so I do not talk much about this. This is for intro

Continue to part 2
