When mouths become soundless: A technology impact (Part 3 - End)

They shut up our mouth!

As the technology goes better every year, there is problem will be happened by it. First it is about the human social life. As the machine can substitute the mouth, so goes it. The device that we use everyday will cause the effect that is called non-socialized living area. This is seemed like to be insane, but it is. We see now people use the device like smartphone everyday and everywhere. We do not assure them a sick guy but it can make them sick. They can be sick because of the feel of addicted of the device. The device can make them do not see environment around them. I used to see this kind of view everywhere. People are intended to have phone on his palm than to have a chat with his friend unless it's very necessary. The phone effect to its user are many. It can affect to the health and also for his life.

Phone affects person by manipulating his mind about the application. We have seen this since we see the commercial about the hand phone itself. The commercial is very amazing so it can attract people to buy it. Of course it has to, or the marketing section is failed. So goes with the apps used in the phone. It manipulates us so much because it's so interesting. Social media, games, and virtual pet is the common thing in user's phone. So what is the impact? They are so care about the phone so they do not talk to human again. Well, watch one disney movie called wall-e and you can see some of the weird thing which we can think it can not be happened on us. No, it can happen to us. But since technology of us is not so sophisticated, then we just see the small effect of it. Well, at least we do not sit on bed like they do at that movie. But the effect is we just using the phone even we are at meeting!

The human mind consists of the ideas that come to him. But so the idea come, so does the pleasure. When one idea come, he feel very happy and get the feel of it. Soon he will do something with it, if he think that is very important. But what is the connection between phone and idea? It is obvious enough that idea creates phone. But human that does not have much idea can not develop further his idea once his mind is controlled by phone. Not only phone, but anything that can make addiction such as drug or multimedia.

When the phone really affect our life, our palm never get away from the phone. Phone or other electronic device such as PC for example, is really addictive if you do not control yourself. So the addictive effect will be shown as the soundless mouth. All of us have seen how is addicted man or woman. They do not talk a lot and can be so aggressive if we do not treat them nicely. So does this device.

Our life in earth must be worthy. Do not spent our age with useless toys. Spend it for useful thing so one day people will memorize what deeds that have we done.
