Applied Thinking and Forced Thinking

Most of the time, people study at school. They study lot of structural knowledge which is aimed to get a good grade, however. Not all people in school really understand the language exactly. Some only understand by a moment, and so maybe understand by a year. But in opposite, some persons are very smart that they apply the knowledge to their life through several circumstances. These persons are the person that apply the learning theory correctly to the lesson explained.

Applied thinking and forced thinking is a model of thinking to human in common. Humans are having lot of memories and experiences gained from the life. The memories and experiences cannot be long lasting if the memory are not used. Human often forget the lesson because of one of this thinking model.

Applied thinking is a thinking model which the thought or idea existing in human brain is really kept as a permanent memory. The memory will be kept forever even tough the person do not remember the memory for all the day. But this kind of thinking will be opened again sometime when the subject want to do something which is related to the memory kept.

Applied thinking need a huge volume of data to send the memory to be remembered. Some memory have been applied thinking because of the continuously  action toward the memory or experience such as human basic need like eating, walking, or talking. Imagine if human suddenly forget how to walk, then all of human cannot walk again and have to learn to walk again.

There are some ways to make applied thinking. First is by make it a routine activity. Some small activity like writing or reading the same book will make the person become bored. But if the human keep doing this activity without making any attempt to stop the movement, it will be recorded in the brain as 'must be done activity'. Some activities such as playing games, speaking a new language, or playing an active sport will also do the effect of applied thinking.

Second way of making applied thinking is by combining the activity that required to be remembered by another trivial activity. Combining the activity makes the first priority of thought which is the activity that required to be memorized disappeared in fade, focusing to the new combination activity. Even tough the first memory is fade now, the brain work is ultimately focused now to the new combination. The first memory is succeeded to be memorized as applied thinking now.

The second thinking which is the forced thinking is a common thinking found in school. Students who study some lessons and they do not understand about it can be predicted having a forced thinking. Some exact subjects like math or physics is the big part of subjects that contribute to make forced lesson exist.

By this condition, student do not feel necessary to study this lesson in advance, unless for getting a good school grade.

Forced thinking is a kind of work exist because of the unnecessary lesson or experience 'planned' inside the human brain. Human who is in this condition will remember the lesson in a very short period, and perhaps will disappeared in fade too, but will be not recovered again. Brain also has limited remembering capacity. It only remember 7-9 fragments of concepts or new idea taught.

The big mistake happen in education institution is most of them apply forced thinking to the student. Student have to study some subjects without understanding its functional value which he/she will apply. Or in easy words, they have to study some matters without knowing the application of the knowledge they have learned, or worse, do the lesson is applicable.

Although this explanation about these two thinking described in positivistic approach, the aim of this writing is only to show the world how education is should be.
