Society Rules : Beginning Part

These days, we see that many countries use society rules as the rule which really used in the middle of people despite the constitution that the state has made. Society made the rule based on the majority decision. The rule can be hurtful to some minorities and some rule is not satisfying to all profession. But since those people who initiate making society rule is unknown by the identity, the rules of society keep exist because it is based on majority needs and somehow agreeable by them as well.

Many of the countries who apply society rule as major power controlling the common citizen by invisible hands have difference with those countries who mostly apply individualism and respecting opinion. The countries who mostly use society rule whether it's written officially or just by using oral distribution have its people under one similarity. The people use the same fashion style, talk by quite same accent, going to proper place as the majority always go there, and for the new people there,  they try to hide their authentic identity. But the biggest visible idea we can see on this kind of society is the fashion style. Some country really apply the rule of fashion such as North Korea officially. But mostly just by custom and tradition. Fashion style always can be indicator of tolerance and the strength of society rule.

Many minorities told that society can't be their home. They can not enter their home because some ideas of them is contradictory with the majority. But we can not force them to have their custom same like us. We can not told someone to wear our shirt, unless it's fit.But what makes it as problem is the majority can not feel tolerant toward other people who live in the same earth like we do and our ancestor done. Having a intolerant people among their (minority) life make them feel depressed because they face almost everyday a bad behavior from the majority. And some of  them even received a bullying. Many discrimination also happened to them just only because they are different from majority.

Who are the victims? There are 4 major parts classifying the victims based on the characteristic. In Republic of Indonesia, minorities often associated with term of SARA, which is an abbreviation of Suku, Agama, Ras, Antar Golongan (Ethnic, Religion, Race, Between groups). This term is used to be a rule of media like film, magazine, newspaper, books, or television which the media should not provide or making any discrimination to those 4 groups by any means that humiliate them such as slapstick comedy or racist word.

From the ethnic side, the victims are from the minority ethnic who does not feel the modern world yet. They still live in jungle and don't know how to speak national language except some of them only. They can get discriminated because of the dispute or the feeling of majority to them is not friendly. Some ethnic can not have a harmony relationship because of historical battle in the past or some bad rumor spreading between the society. Media should not make humiliation to all ethnic to maintain its neutrality.

Religion is a big issue in media industry. Many show make religion as a joke which will make a conflict in some religious issue. Not only as a humor, religion is often used as a weapon to make one group down or fade in political activity. How to make religion as a weapon is to make a media. Salman Rusdhie in his book the satanic verses make lot of Muslims worldwide angry with him and even want to kill him. Thus, religion should not be talked very sensitive in communication industry and in politic since religion is a big thing that hold a lot of people under one banner. Religion is about faith; can not be examined empirically but only talked as a method to make person good.  Religion has many sides which everyone can not agree each other even all the thoughts are good.

Race is a issue mostly in big country where a lot of nation mix there. From here we can see word racist is formed from word race. Racism is one of issue that make many problem especially between nations. The reason is most of incident is often happened between some races in particular.

And the last is between group. The groups here mean the two or more groups that is having a conflict or a not good issue between the groups. Making flame between those groups are indicated as a bad side of media.

Although the minorities are here, the society rule keep exist. The reason why it still stands until today is to keep the tradition, based on majority answer. Tradition will be saved by making cultural program and by tourism also. 
